Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition Keygen For Hex

How to Crack Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition NO SERIAL KEY PC Diagnostics. Unsubscribe from PC Diagnostics? Cancel Unsubscribe. Subscribe Subscribed Unsubscribe 196.

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  • Visual Basic Express Edition is a free set of tools intended for Windows developers to allow them to create personalized applications by using basic and advanced settings. VB Express, VB 2008 Express, vbsetup-2010.exe, vbsetup.exe. Latest update on September 7, 2018 at 04:54 PM. View all 55 comments.
Active1 year, 7 months ago

I am Visual Studio 2010 Professional user. But for a reason I need Visual Web Developer 2008 Express edition.

I downloaded this, but I need the serial key to activate the product, otherwise it will expire in 30 days.

When I go there, I got this error:

'Thank you for your interest in registering Visual Studio. We are currently experiencing issues with the registration process. We are working on this and will have it fixed as soon as possible. Please try to register your product again at a later time. We apologize for the inconvenience.'

I tried for a long time, but I got the same error every time. Is there any other way to get the serial key?

Cody Gray
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5 Answers

I have an improvement on the answer @DewiMorgan gave for VS 2008 express. I have since confirmed it also works on VS 2005 express.
It lets you run the software without it EVER requiring registration, and also makes it so you don't have to manually delete the key every 30 days. It does this by preventing the key from ever being written.

(Deleting the correct key can also let you avoid registering VS 2015 'Community Edition,' but using permissions to prevent the key being written will make the IDE crash, so I haven't found a great solution for it yet.)

The directions assume Visual C# Express 2008, but this works on all the other visual studio express apps I can find.

  1. Open regedit, head to HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftVCSExpress9.0Registration.
  2. Delete the value Params.
  3. Right click on the key 'Registration' in the tree, and click permissions.
  4. Click Advanced...
  5. Go to the permissions tab, and uncheck the box labeled Inherit from parent the permission entries that apply to child objects. Include these with entries explicitly defined here.
  6. In the dialog that opens, click copy (Note that in Windows 7, it appears the copy button was renamed to add, as in add inherited permissions as explicit permissions).
  7. Hit OK in the 'Advanced' window.
  8. Back in the first permissions window, click your user, and uncheck Full Control.
  9. Do the same thing for the Administrators group.
  10. Hit OK or Apply.Congratulations, you will never again be plagued by the registration nag, and just like WinRAR, your trial will never expire.

You may have to do the same thing for other (non-Visual C#) programs, like Visual Basic express or Visual C++ express.

It has been reported by @IronManMark20 in the comments that simply deleting the registry key works and that Visual Studio does not attempt to re-create the key. I am not sure if I believe this because when I installed VS on a clean windows installation, the key was not created until I ran VS at least once. But for what it's worth, that may be an option as well.


The question is about VS 2008 Express.

Microsoft's web page for registering Visual Studio 2008 Express has been dead (404) for some time, so registering it is not possible.

Instead, as a workaround, you can temporarily remove the requirement to register VS2008Exp by deleting (or renaming) the registry key:

To ensure that this is working beforehand, click Help -> register product within VS2008.

You should see text like

'You have not yet registered your copy of Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition. This product will run for 10 more days before you will be required to register it.'

Close the application, delete that key, reopen, click help->register product.

The text should now say

'You have not yet registered your copy of Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition. This product will run for 30 more days before you will be required to register it.'

So you have two options - delete that key manually every 30 days, or run it from a batch file that also contains a line like:

[Edit: User @i486 confirms on testing that this workaround works even after the expiration period has expired]

Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition Keygen For Hexagonal

[Edit2: User @Wyatt8740 has a much more elegant way to prevent the value from reappearing.]

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Dewi MorganDewi Morgan

Getting a product key is free. Here is how I did it:

I just downloaded the 2012 Express install ISO image. After install I got the message 'This product will expire in 30 day(s). Registration is required for the continued use of Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2012 for Web.'

On that same screen is a register online link. Clicking that I signed in with my live account, updated my profile, and got a registration key.

David Silva SmithDavid Silva Smith
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Visual C# Express 2005 ISO File does not require registration

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I believe that if you download the offline ISO image file, and use that to install Visual Studio Express, you won't have to register.

Go here and find the link that says 'All - Offline Install ISO image file'. Click on it to expand it, select your language, and then click 'Download'.

Otherwise, it's possible that online registration is simply down for a while, as the error message indicates. You have 30 days before it expires, so give it a few days before starting to panic.

Cody Gray

Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition

Cody Gray
200k38 gold badges403 silver badges487 bronze badges

Visual Studio 2008 Express Download

protected by CommunityJul 26 '12 at 2:18

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Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition Keygen For Hexa

Active4 years, 3 months ago

Did any one have luck recently register Visual studio 2008 express C# product? Look like, I would have to reformat my computer and install every thing all over again. I un-installed it and installed VS2008 express again but it will not start because it demands registration. When I click the register button, the website launches and hour glass spins forever. It appears that MS Express edition registration site may not be working.

Please help..

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3 Answers

You are probably using google chrome as your registration browser... Try using IE and you should be able to do it. (you can paste the URL and it works)

Miguel BaltazarMiguel Baltazar

If you delete the registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/VCExpress/9.0/Registration you will no longer be asked to register.

Open regedit, navigate using above folder, then remove the entire 'Registration' folder.


You can do an offline install from this link. You can simply mount the ISO with a virtual CD program instead of burning one:

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