Oct 01, 2017 I'm going to say VIII (assuming they refined the game even more from Celceta), Seven has some rough edges. Real answer is Oath in Felghana tho. VIII is basically a refined version of Seven and is pretty much better in all aspects aside from localization. Answer also depends on where you want to. Like Ys Seven, The Oath in Felghana was developed with the PSP in mind and it once again follows the adventures of the series heroes Adol and Dogi. Gameplay wise The Oath in Felghana is an action RPG, just like Ys Seven, but the games are not cut and paste. Ys The Oath in Felghana Free Download PC Game. Click on below button to start Ys The Oath in Felghana Download Free PC Game.It is a Full Version PC Game. Just download torrent and start playing it.
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A phenomenon that goes hand-in-hand with Emulation, Fan Translation (or “Fanlation”) is pretty much what it says: The translation of games that only appeared in other languages (almost always Japanese) into the player's native language (almost always English) as a fanmade Game Mod or ROM hack.

This most often occurs on Japanese RPGs that were released prior to Final Fantasy VII. Before that game's breakout success, American publishers shied away from Japanese RPGs because of their relatively poor sales compared to action games. In fact, the fan translation hobby largely began from the efforts to localize Final Fantasy V and Trials of Mana (then known to international audiences by its Japanese name, Seiken Densetsu 3), Square games that were heavily hyped as coming to the US, then mysteriously canceled. Some older RPGs were even re-translated due to the 'quality' of the translations ranging from a mere 'Blind Idiot' Translation to an outright Translation Train Wreck.
Licensed Games can also receive this treatment. Often, it takes years before an anime series is brought over and becomes popular in the West, while the Japanese games based on that series are seen as obsolete by the distributors.
While no legal dispute over a fanmade patch has ever occurred, a handful of cease-and-desist orders have been issued regardless of any actual validity. Since ROM patches contain no assets from the original game and no derived assets that are viable without it, no likely basis for arguing infringement is known. The resulting translated ROMs themselves, of course, fall under the same rules as any other ROM dump if distributed (hence why ROM hacking sites generally only distribute patches, requiring players to find the original ROM elsewhere and use a patching program to actually use the patch).
Plus, No Export for You already garners enough bad PR, exacerbating it among fans would definitely not be a good idea.
See also Fansubs for the Anime version and Scanlations for the manga version.
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Please note that people aren't getting paid for this and are Doing It for the Art (though they may have professional translation work as their main occupation, as with Clyde 'Tomato' Mandelin, the head translator of MOTHER 3, who does fan translations solely as a hobby in his spare time); Development Hell is common, and Vaporware might happen occasionally (an example of the latter being the aforementioned Clyde Mandelin's abandoned translation of Tomato Adventure, though he did release the source code for his work in case anyone else wants to give it a shot). Any ongoing projects may take VERY long.
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- Project Threepio (a companion piece to the Despecialized Editions) contains fan translations of the Original Unaltered Trilogy in languages where only the Special Edition was officially released (such as Croatian and Slovene). It also contains retranslations in French, Italian, Hungarian and Finnish (all 4 of which have non-SE versions with lots of Engrish).
- A fan translation of The Nutcracker and the Mouse King can be found here. (As the original story is in the public domain, there are no legal issues.)
- The Light Novel translation site Baka-Tsuki collects various Fan Translation efforts for light novels.
- Digital Devil Story, the original source material for the Shin Megami Tensei video game series, was translated by a fan. Well, the first two novels were, anyway.
- Phenomena is given one. It's not very fast but it's something.
- The Evillious Chronicles fandom is populated by many amateur translators, as there are no official English releases of any of its content. This applies for the songs as well, but currently Cloture Of Yellow, Wiegenlied Of Green, and The Lunacy Of Duke Venomania either have fan translations or are currently being given one. The series' wiki also does translations that are even rougher to learn what new information is being released in each novel.
- Monster Hunter 2 DOS English patch by Burango.
- Star Fox 2, a game for the SNES that was never released until 2017 and was in the process of being translated before it was terminated (which makes sense, as it and the first Star Fox were made in collaboration with Argonaut Games, a British studio), but fans came up with ways to translate it themselves years before Nintendo released it officially.
- Metal Gear 2 was fan-translated many years before an official translation appeared as an Embedded Precursor game in Metal Gear Solid 3.
- Metal Gear got a fan translation, because its official translation was famously horrible and cut out all the jokes.
- Final Fantasy:
- Final Fantasy V was the first of many RPGs for the SNES to be translated by fans. A patch was released in 1998, one year before Square released an official localization for the PlayStation. However, Square Enix released a far more polished translation for the Game Boy Advance several years after the PlayStation version.
A revised version of the fan translation was released about 20 years after the original release of said translation, with most of the changes being minor tweaks to the script aside from changing Bartz and Krile's names to match the official translations, while another hack released the same year takes a different approach by inserting the script from the Game Boy Advance version's official translation into the Super Famicom version when possible. - Final Fantasy II and Final Fantasy III for the NES were fan-translated in 1998 and 1999, with III receiving an additional translation prior to the DS remake's release. The eventual English versions of the former were in the form of remakes, some of which tweak the Stat Grinding system, while the latter only got an English release of its heavily 'reimagined' Video Game Remake on the Nintendo DS; it's likely that the fan translations will remain the only way to play the original games in English. Both games received new translations after they were Remade for the Export, in both cases giving the original Famicom versions scripts influenced by their remakes' official translations.
- Although Final Fantasy VII did get an official English translation, many fans considered the translation to be poor in areas, introducing a lot of Mind Screw that supposedly wasn't there in the original Japanese script. One team made a full retranslation of the game, with basis on later localizations (spell names like 'Firaga' and 'Blizzaga' for instance) with text much clearer and at times more faithful to the original script.
- Final Fantasy IV already had an official American release known as Final Fantasy II (no relation to the real Final Fantasy II), but differences between the American and Japanese versions as well as a Porting Disaster on the PlayStation prompted for a fan translation.
Once again, the fan translation was controversial due to completely disregarding the English Dub Name Changes, using strict romaji instead of the more commonly used translations of the non-changed names, still managing to get said names wrong by that guideline, and mistranslating the spell 'Cure' as 'Keal'. Later versions of the patch fixed this problems. note
The website Legends of Localization run by Clyde 'Tomato' Mandelin of MOTHER 3, Bahamut Lagoon, and One Piece fame actually compares the differences between the original Japanese text and the various translations. It comes down hard on the fan translation, pointing out that it didn't just take liberties with the original Japanese, it also had outright inaccuracies, and according to Clyde Mandelin the translator agrees with his analysis. In addition, it shows the PlayStation translation was pretty inaccurate too, as well as the GBA translation which was based on it. - News of a practically completed English patch for the ended up surfacing after that version of the game ended up being Japan-only.
- Final Fantasy VI was retranslated by a group called RPGONE, better known for one of the team member's screen names, Sky Render. This version was a literal translation, and was divisive for several reasons, but most prominently transforming Kefka from the love-to-hate-him Monster Clown of the English versions into a much more generic villain by means of either not understanding or choosing not to translate a good portion of his jokes. Sky Render himself posted a comment on Legends of Localization saying that he thinks the translation could have been better, especially compared to his later work.
- Final Fantasy V was the first of many RPGs for the SNES to be translated by fans. A patch was released in 1998, one year before Square released an official localization for the PlayStation. However, Square Enix released a far more polished translation for the Game Boy Advance several years after the PlayStation version.
- Trials of Mana, then known by its Japanese title of Seiken Densetsu 3 even among international audiences, the one World of Mana game that wasn't localized until 2019 (other than various mobile games, particularly Friends of Mana, which was released on Japanese phones before consumer smartphones became widespread), was fan-translated in 2000.
- Fire Emblem:
- Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light and Gaiden were both translated by fans. Both also ended up being Remade for the Export, the former on the Nintendo DS and the latter on the Nintendo 3DS.
- Mystery of the Emblem, a Super Famicom game consisting of a remake of the first game (called Book 1) as well as a sequel to the same game (called Book 2), has a translation that's at least more complete than the ones for the Jugdral games. The Nintendo DS remake of Book 2 from that game (since the first game already had a DS remake), Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem — Heroes of Light and Shadow, would later receive a complete fan translation.
The script translator of the original Mystery of the Emblem (who also led the development of remake's translation) later approved of the development of a revised translation of that version of the game, though the code ended up needing to be hacked from scratch because the original translation's hacker dropped off the radar and the tools used to make said translation were lost. - Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 were both never officially localized and have received fan translations. In 2016 Genealogy received a new translation that provides an in-game English translation of the ending for the first time, a feat in itself as the ending is very long and your choices of who you recruit, who lives, who dies, and who falls in love change the ending for a game that was made 20 years ago. The same team behind that translation also wants to develop a new translation for Thracia as well because the only translation we have is notorious for hilariously broken English, utter nonsense, and sizable amounts of dialogue that simply aren't even translated (for example, many portions of the menus are gibberish due to the removal of the Japanese font). The new fan translation was finally released at the end of May 2019.
- The Binding Bladenote never received an official translation, despite its prequel being the first officially localized installment. This game, which is what Roy's presence in Super Smash Bros. Melee was promoting, has a complete fan translation to fill the gap.
- Dragon Quest Monsters Caravan Heart. There's also one in development for the Compilation Re-release of the first two games.
- The Super FamicomCompilation Re-release for Dragon Quest I & II, which didn't receive an official localization (unlike the compilation for the Game Boy Color), received a fan translation. A different group later made fan translations for the Super Famicom remake of Dragon Quest III (which similarly lacked an official translation on that system but not the Game Boy Color) and the PlayStation 2 remake of Dragon Quest V (which was Remade for the Export on the Nintendo DS after the Japanese release of the PlayStation 2 remake).
- Sailor Moon: Another Story, the Sailor Moon RPG.
- Tenchi Muyo! Game-Hen, the Tenchi Muyo strategy RPG.
- Super Robot Wars Judgment was released by The Romhacking Aerie right after Christmas 2010.
- DeJap's translation of Tales of Phantasia is beloved by some fans of the game. There was a mini-controversy in 2005 regarding Nintendo's official translation, because some of the characters' names were changed (e.g., Cless Alvein —> Cress Albane) and some of the adult dialogue was supposedly toned down. However, this was a case of Mis-blamed, as a lot of it was actually added in to the fan translation.
- There are now at least two relatively faithful fan translations of the PlayStation version of the game (a more straight-up translation from Absolute Zero, and a more Woolseyism-filled translation from Phantasian Productions), which remedies a large number of problems with the other translations.
- Absolute Zero released in 2010 a full translation patch for Tales of Innocence — the first full translation of a Tales game not called Tales of Phantasia. They would later do the same for Tales of the Tempest, releasing the translation for that game on April Fools' Day (the 'joke' being that it's a translation of one of the less popular Tales games).
- Both Kajitani-Eizan's Tales of Hearts and Phantasian Productions's Tales of Destiny 2 have been abandoned, though the former did received a Updated Re-release in English as Tales of Hearts R for the PS Vita.
- DeJap was also responsible for English-speaking audiences being able to play the original Star Ocean (at least, until the 2008 remake), Dragon Quest V and VI (before they were remade on the Nintendo DS), Monster World IV (long before Sega released an official translation on seventh-generation systems), and Bahamut Lagoon.
- While the Xbox 360 version of Tales of Vesperia was officially released internationally, its Updated Re-release for the PlayStation 3 was not, but fortunately fans have decided to take matters into their own hands. Of course, the fan translation was taken down when it was announced that Vesperia would get remastered for the following generation of consoles and would include the PS3 content.
- Several Grand Theft Auto translation projects have been made mostly by Eastern Europeans to which there isn't an officially localized version of the game, although an official Russian version of Grand Theft Auto IV was released by the 1C Company. Translations of the games to languages like Indonesian, Arabic and Filipino are also available.
- A certain fan translator has gone low into turning the series as an Author Tract medium for his views, though. So much that he plastered anti-gaming messages in place of the games' billboards and signages, and restricts users of his game modding tools from utilizing his programs for authoring content he deems as offensive or contrary to his ideologies.
- L.A. Noire has also been subject to fan translation — a team of hackers from Xentax and elsewhere came up with their own Czech translation of the game in 2011.
- The Front Mission Series Translation Team have released a complete fan translation of Front Mission 5, which never made it outside of Japan. They are currently working on fan translations for Front Mission 2 and Alternative. Likewise, they are also covering other Front Mission media, having just completed translating the Gun Hazard radio drama series. You can learn more here.
- Aeon Genesis, a group headed by ROM hacker Gideon Zhi with the help of various translators, is known for translating various Japanese-only video games and freeware titles. They have released 70 finished game translations as of this entry, and currently have 37 more in various stages of progress. Games they have translated include:
- The original Clock Tower for the SNES.
- The first and third Dragon Ball Z fighting games for the SNES.
- Cave Story (original version; modders were able to patch Cave Story+ with Aeon Genesis' translation over NICALiS')
- Front Mission: Gun Hazard
- La-Mulana (original version)
- Live A Live and Treasure of the Rudra, two games which seem to have slipped off Square's radar and to this day have yet to get the Video Game Remake treatment many of their older RPGs have received. The entire magic system of Rudra had to be conceptually reworked to accept English words.
- Rockman & Forte (the original Super Famicom version)
- Shin Megami Tensei I and Shin Megami Tensei II
- Shodai Nekketsu Koha Kunio-kun and Kunio-tachi no Banka, two non-Super-DeformedKunio-kun games.
- Super Robot Wars 1, Super Robot Wars 2, Super Robot Wars 3, Super Robot Wars Alpha Gaiden, Super Robot Wars Gaiden: The Elemental Lords, and Super Robot Wars EX
- Ys IV: Mask of the Sun (the Vita incarnation of Ys IV, unlike this and Ys IV: The Dawn of Ys for the PC Engine, was not outsourced by Falcom and received an official translation by XSEED Games)
- Ys V, whose translation patch was finally finished in November 2013 after what Gideon Zhi has described as some of the most difficult hacking work he's done, due to the large amount of reprogramming that had to be done to get the English script to work properly.
- Retranslations of ActRaiser, Assault Suits Valken and Rockman 2, whose official translations weren't considered faithful enough.
- Fallout 2 is currently being translated to Brazilian Portuguese since 2004, and while there is no release date, it's quite certain that it's in a very advanced state.
- Wonder Project J, a Pinocchio-inspired Raising Sim (and a rare male one!) was fan translated in 2001. Almost six years later, a much-anticipated patch for the N64 sequel, Wonder Project J2 was finally released.
- The Super Famicom Famicom Detective Club Part II remake, which had many people curious because one of the lead characters, Ayumi Tachibana, was a trophy in Super Smash Bros. Melee (which had multiple trophies that were many Westerners' first exposure to various Japan-only characters, possibly even to a greater extent than later Super Smash Bros. games). This fan translation was an early project by Tomato, one of the translators who handled the MOTHER 3 fan translation in the latter half of the '00s.
- Remember Persona 2 and how Executive Meddling kept one-half of the two-game series in Japan? October of 2008 finally saw the fan translation of the missing half, Innocent Sin. (A Video Game Remake of Innocent Sin was eventually released in America on the PSP).
The same group responsible for Innocent Sin (Really, it's just a translating duo) worked on Soul Hackers (which eventually received an official translation on the Nintendo 3DS). No word as to if they'll do the same for Devil Summoner. - Pokémon:
- There is a fan translation hack of Pokémon Green. The spelling and grammar, however, left much to be desired.
- Poor-quality translations appearing a few months before English releases is practically a staple of Pokémon games, especially during a new generation. (This practice has dropped off ever since Generation VI, though, when main-series games started being localized as they're being developed so they can receive simultaneous or near-simultaneous worldwide releases.) However, some members of Project Pokémon made a superb, 98% complete translation of Pokémon Black and White before it was released.
- The sequel to the Game Boy Color's Pokémon Trading Card Game, Pokémon Card GB2: GR-Dan Sanjou!, came out very late in the system's lifespan (exactly one week after the Game Boy Advance saw release in Japan, to be specific), leading to a case of No Export for You until the Fan Translation came along.
- Although Pokémon is popular internationally, the games tend to only be released in a handful of languages, so most countries simply end up using the English version if their language isn't included as an official translation. As a result, fan-translations of Pokémon games in languages such as Arabic, Danish, and Koreannote are not unheard of.
- Touhou
- Fans have to rely on fan-translations because of ZUN's reluctancy on licensing the series to the West.
- There are fan translations for the Touhou fangames Touhou Labyrinth, Sengoku Gensoirkyo, Touhoumon, Touhou Pocket Wars Evolution, and probably more.
- A game with controversy over the fan translation is Phantasy Star Gaiden, which mistranslates the revelation thatMinima is a clone of Alis.
- Radical Dreamers, the other sequel to Chrono Trigger. There are French and a German fan translations based on the English one.
- Treasure Hunter G had a translation that was more or less finished in 2004.
- Aroduc is a one man Battle Moon Wars translating machine.
- Bare Knuckle III, the Japanese version of Streets of Rage 3, was fan-translated in response to theunnecessarychanges to the American version.
- The original Parodius for MSX was translated by Takamichi Suzukawa, who was also responsible for the Metal Gear 2 translation mentioned above. Interestingly, he chose to render Vic Viper's name as 'Big Viper' because, as the author reasons, its name was always romanized as 'biggu baipaa' rather than 'bikku baipaa'.
- A translation patch for Policenauts, an early Hideo Kojima adventure game which has managed to elude export for almost 15 years, was released in 2009 (by slowbeef of Let's Play and Retsupurae fame), and has been dubbed by some gaming news sources as the most important Fan Translation ever produced. An updated translation of the Sega Saturn version was released in 2016.
- Namco × Capcom received a fan translation as well (via PPF patch) since the game was never released outside of Japan.
- Due to the cancellation of the US and European releases of the game, Fatal Frame 4 is only available in Japan. However, a group released a patch that runs from the Wii's SD card slot using Riivolution, instead of directly patching the game (since the developers stated that they don't want to promote piracy). Though people have figured out how to do it anyways using their files.
- In the early '90s, Russian and Ukrainian programmers translated games to Russian (before you ask, there was no widespread Ukrainian font at the time), some notables are: Dune II, The Legend of Kyrandia series, Lands of Lore: Throne of Chaos, X-COM: UFO Defense, Heroes Of Might And Magic 2 and others.
This is reciprocated today by western fans translating much of the burgeoning Eastern European game industry's niche genre output. - The DS game Soma Bringer, currently in No Export for You hell.
- A game which had been dropped by NoA despite being late in development, ASH Archaic Sealed Heat, from Mistwalker, had a partial fan-translation leaked by a beta-tester of said fan-project, which has been dropped.
- A fan translation of the first Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side game for the Nintendo DS was worked on during 2010, and a full, bug-free patch was released during December 2010. It was the first fan translation effort which succeeded in translating anything past the first screens of any Tokimeki Memorial game. (In May 2011, a complete TMGS2 patch was released.)
- White Gold: War in Paradise and The Precursors by the developers of Boiling Point: Road to Hell were only released in Eastern Europe, but fans have released an English translation patch in Deep Shadow's official English forums. However, The Precursors had already been translated to English by the developers, and the patch merely unlocks it.
- Starcraft: Brood War, had a fan-made Hungarian patch. The Hungarian version of Starcraft eventually took a different direction from the official Starcraft lore, with its own expansion pack/Game Mod, Huncraft-Genocide. Both are available for free download, in accordance with Blizzard's policies. The same team also created a translation for Warcraft III.
- Romhack Hispano is a notable portal for fan translation groups striving to translate games into Spanish.
- MOTHER 3, a victim of Troubled Production in its original Nintendo 64DD incarnation from a series that's been continually Screwed by the Network, released brand new on the Game Boy Advance in 2006 (when the GBA was pretty much dead, as the Nintendo DS turned two years old the same year): A perfect storm of commercial infeasibility. Faced with this situation, a group of translators spearheaded by Clyde 'Tomato' Mandelin coalesced around, the series' major fansite, including a number of professionals from the game industry itself. The result, released on October 2008, is one of the most widely heralded fan translations ever and has received praise from members of the game development community.
While this translation was only released in English, its developers encourage speakers of other languages to base their work on it, as the tools used to make it were released to the public and the font it uses includes characters rarely used in English but commonly used in multiple mainland European languages, such as accented vowels. EarthBound Central, a fansite ran by Clyde Mandelin, often keeps track of translations into languages other than English, such as at least two Italian translations. - Some of the Mother 3 translation staff made a translation for the Compilation Re-releaseMOTHER 1+2 after the former translation's completion, though they only fully translated the MOTHER 1 half (partially because EarthBound uses a complex scripting language for its text and partially because it already has a well-regarded official translation, in contrast to the dryness of the first game's then-unreleased localization). Since EarthBound Beginnings now has an official release on the Wii U's Virtual Console, Tomato has disowned his fan translation and now advocates the purchase of Nintendo's translation.
- MOTHER 3, a victim of Troubled Production in its original Nintendo 64DD incarnation from a series that's been continually Screwed by the Network, released brand new on the Game Boy Advance in 2006 (when the GBA was pretty much dead, as the Nintendo DS turned two years old the same year): A perfect storm of commercial infeasibility. Faced with this situation, a group of translators spearheaded by Clyde 'Tomato' Mandelin coalesced around, the series' major fansite, including a number of professionals from the game industry itself. The result, released on October 2008, is one of the most widely heralded fan translations ever and has received praise from members of the game development community.
- There is a Hungarian translation on Unreal Tournament floating somewhere around the internet. Unlike most fan projects, this one actually has an excellent quality dub, laced with Double Entendres and Hungarian puns.
- SaGa 2 and SaGa 3, the Nintendo DSvideo game remakes.
- Master of Orion 3 got a German Fan Translation.
- Kaeru no Tame ni Kane wa Naru (For the Frog the Bell Tolls), the Japan-only Game Boy adventure/platforming game which is the spiritual predecessor of The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (which features Prince Richard from the former as an important character) received a fan translation in 2011.
- An English translation of SD Snatcher was created by the Dutch MSX fan group Oasis as early as 1993, though it wasn't converted to a patch format until four years later. Much of the original text was lost due to their hacking skills and Japanese literacy being only basic, though they made up for that with some Woolseyisms.
- The group TLWiki started translation work on Love Plus. It was picked up by Jjjewel and members of the Gbatemp forum some time later. As of January 2012, the translation project is considered complete.
- A fan translation group called Dakkodango translated the original Windows version of Tears to Tiara in 2009.
- In 2010, the same group translated a worksafe Windows version of Eien no Aselia. The next year, JAST licensed the game, and chose to work with the group in order to publish the official translation, which was released in November 2011.
- Grandia Parallel Trippers got a translation patch in September 2011.
- A group called Matt's Messy Room has translated a number of games, including a SlayersSuper Nintendo game which predates the anime TV series, Licensed Games for the PC Engine based on Bubblegum Crash and Maison Ikkoku, the Game Gear version of Madou Monogatari I, and the PC-FX version of Welcome to Pia Carrot.
- The '80s-to-'90s Glory of Heracles games were not localized when they were current. However, as of 2016 there are fan translation patches for the first four main installments of the series (two Famicom games and two Super Famicom games), as well as a translation for a Game Boy spinoff called Snap Story. DvD Translations, who translated the first game (The Glory of Heracles: Labors of the Divine Hero), also produced translations of the NES/Famicom versions of The Portopia Serial Murder Case and Falcom's Romancia.
- Magical Doropie has a fan translation that keeps the Ninja Gaiden style cutscenes of the Japanese version, which were removed in the American version and are generally considered the saving grace of what is otherwise a pretty blatant Follow the Leader of Mega Man (Classic).
- The translation patch for Valis for the NES was released along with a Game Mod intended to make it less frustrating to play.
- Alfagame's Prince Maker - Braveness was translated in May 2012. It's a rare example of a fan translation of a game written in Chinese, as well as a fan translation of a Raising Sim.
- After over four years Hellsinker finnaly get's one as well.
- The SUGURI series got fan-translation patches by Sara Leen... until she got promoted to work as Rockin' Android's translator and programmer.
- The original Ether Vapor got an English translation patch — or rather it used to after it was licensed by Nyu Media to localize its updated re-release.
- Ys:
- Jeff 'Deuce' Nussbaum helped translate several Ys games in the years when the series was not receiving international distribution, as well as Cyber Knight II and the Samurai Shodown RPG for the Neo Geo CD (which was never publicly released). He now works for XSEED Games, and their official translations of Ys: The Oath in Felghana and Ys Origin are based on the patches he contributed to.
- Ys IV: The Dawn of Ys had its text translated by Deuce in 2004, though the voiced cutscenes were unchanged. In 2012, a new patch by a different group added English voice acting.
- The translation group M.I.J.E.T. specializes in translations of games for the Sega Genesis and Sharp X68000, including Langrisser II, the eight Phantasy Star II text adventures, and the original computer version of Valis II.
- Breath of Fire II is an example of a game that was already internationally localized before it received a Fan Translation. The unfortunate quality of said translation (which was nonetheless re-used for the game's re-release on the GBA) led to fan-based efforts to localize the game. In 2006 a group called d4s released a patch for the SNES version that contained not only a high-quality German-language translation of the game but also added in the gameplay tweaks and fixes introduced in the GBA release and a new intro montage that made liberal use of Japanese marketing materials, including Capcom's in-house game art and the J-pop single originally commissioned by Capcom to be used in its advertising for the game, 'Owaranai Ai'. The d4s version is considered so well-done that it has become the basis for numerous other retranslation projects for the game, such as Ryusei's 2009 English translation.
- Energy Breaker finally received a translation patch in September 2012.
- The Game Boy Color version of Donkey Kong Land III received an English translation patch in October 2012, 12 years after the Japanese release. While there already exists an official English version (the game itself is British) it was made for the original Game Boy, not the Game Boy Color.
This English translation was also the basis for a unique Spanish translation about a month later, in November 2012. - Panel de Pon was technically already released in English as Tetris Attack, but an English patch was released on New Years' 2008 all the same for those who prefer the fairy characters to their Yoshi's Island replacements.
- A translation patch for Suikogaiden Vol. 1: Swordsman of Harmonia, a Visual Novel spinoff of Suikoden, was released in March 2013. In September 2013, the Suikogaiden Translation Project released a patch for Suikogaiden Vol 2.: Duel at Crystal Valley, along with a patch for Suikoden Card Stories.
- KAMUI is the only game in The Tale Of ALLTYNEX series to have a fan English translation. Then Nyu Media localized it for English-speaking players and released it a year and a half later, making the fan patch no longer necessary.
- Traducciones del Tío Víctor is a group that specializes in fandubbing games to (European) Spanish. They started with a The World Ends with You fantranslation that did (twice) translated and redubbed the game. After that, he got hooked up: the first Time Crisis, Sin and Punishment for the N64, a couple of scenes from Shenmue I and II...
- Darkside Translations has translated the first RosenkreuzStilette for English-speaking players. Since the patch was released, however, the game itself has been getting updates after v1.05c, the version the English patch was made at the time. There has been word of an updated version of the English patch for its latest release, fixing and correcting some things in their original script along with the help of Ryusui, the fan translator of Breath of Fire II, but the updated patch has been under hiatus for some time. At the end of 2013, Darkside Translations has given word that the game will see an official English release via Playism. The game was released in English on Steam and Playism on Febuary 3, 2017.
- White Day: A Labyrinth Named School was translated into English by Unnamed Studios and fixes the game's bugs and compatibility with newer operating systems — or rather it used to, as Unnamed was no longer working on fixing and translating the game in at the end of 2013. A French translation was also made by other fans of the game.
- The original Playstation King's Field games are a trilogy, but the first in the series was never released outside of Japan. A complete fan translation patch has somewhat corrected that oversight.
- Geoff Embree completed a translation patch for 7th Dragon in April 2014. (The initial 'open beta' version was actually released on April Fools' Day.)
- With the English version of Phantasy Star Online 2 having languished in Development Hell for years (only being announced as back on track for 2020 by Microsoft at E3 2019, and not counting AsiaSoft's SEA version), a large-scale fan-translation project dubbed Arks-Layer rose to translate the Japanese version of the game on PC.
- The Romhacking Aerie's long-awaited translation of Megami Tensei: The Old Testament was released in August 2014.
- Sometime in 2013, a small fan translation group called TRADUKO Soft announced plans to do a fan translation of Puella Magi Madoka Magica Portable One year later, in August 2014, they released a partial translation patch, although there were a few bugs. In September 2015, they plan to release a more detailed patch, with less bugs than their previous one. As of today, TRADUKO Soft is now working on three projects, including the one stated above.
- Rhythm Tengoku, the Game Boy Advance predecessor to Rhythm Heaven, was fully translated in 2013 as Rhythm Heaven Silver. While the audio is not modified in any way, anything text-based (such as menus, title cards, and in-game emails) is now in English, allowing fans to more easily understand and play the game.
- Captain Rainbow is currently being translated into English and Italian. When finished, it will be run the same way as the Fatal Frame 4 translation.
- The Legend of Zelda games on the Nintendo GameCube all received a Korean translation by one Nintendo fan and collector, as no Nintendo game was ever released in Korean until Nintendo of Korea was established in 2006.
- Choujin Heiki Zeroigar, an anime-style Shoot 'em Up for the NEC PC-FX (and one of the system's very few action-oriented games), received a fully subtitled translation patch in August 2015.
- Dynamic Designs released a translation patch for Kishin Douji Zenki: Battle Raiden (an action Platform Game for the Super Famicom by the same team responsible for Hagane) in January 2016.
- Retro Game Challenge had a sequel that never came out in America. When XSEED Games refused the call due to poor sales a small team painstakingly translated everything including a text heavy adventure game, a JRPG, and every single game magazine into English.
- The Famicom platform game based on Kyatto Ninden Teyandee (better known as Samurai Pizza Cats) received two fan translation patches, one of which is a straight translation and the other which—like the show it's based on—throws out the original script and writes new comedic dialogue based on the events of the game.
- The quality of the official English translations for all S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games is at best 'Blind Idiot' Translation, with a shotgun being referred to as a 'rifle' and attics being mistaken for basements. A number of Game Mods (notably the 'Complete 2009' mod packs) incorporate a 100% fan-made translation that's leagues more fluid and correct than what GSC did.
- The PC-98 predecessor to E.V.O.: Search for Eden, 46 Okunen Monogatari: The Shinkaron (The Theory of Evolution), received a fan translation at the end of 2016. The same group went on to translate Rusty.
- Ensemble Stars!, being a rare very popular mobile game with no official English version, has a translation on its wiki. Unlike other video game examples, the minimal gameplay combined with the difficulty accessing all of the stories (they are attached to gacha cards and events and while it's not especially hard to unlock any particular current story, it's quite difficult for a newcomer to read older stories) and the Visual Novel style format mean that rather than a patch, the translation is simply uploaded to the wiki in text form with images to show who is speaking. Stories are also translated unequally depending on who is willing to go through the effort, meaning that dramatic stories featuring popular characters are much more likely to be translated than Breather Episodes about less popular ones. Fans also often do very quick, unedited translations to twitter as soon as a new story is released so non-Japanese-speaking fans can quickly hear about any major new revelations.
- Most of Sonic the Hedgehog games had never officially been translated into Russian, so some video game pirates translated them by themselves... and the result was...let's say 'surprising'.
- There is a wiki that facilitates various translation projects for visual novels. Some of the fully translated novels include Little Busters!, G-Senjou no Maou, Demonbane and Sharin no Kuni, and some of the patches for the nitro+ games have even been turned into official releases, such as Saya no Uta. Other ongoing translations include Fate/hollow ataraxia and the Oreimo Portable VN.
- A patch for YU-NO was released on TLWiki in 2011; it goes beyond merely translating the game, adding the voice acting and other content from the Sega Saturn version and the FM soundtrack from the PC-98 version, and removing the awkward textual and visual censorship that had been inflicted on the Windows version.
- Some Visual Novel makers allow patches to be made, since they require the original game; Why not broaden the potential audience? Some even encourage translators to do them.
However, between April and July 2010, several Japanese game companies sent cease and desist letters to fans striving to translate porn with plot visual novels. The fan translations of titles such as Yosuga no Sora and Air were affected. Some of the translation projects ended, while others continued 'underground' on /jp/.- Overflow, the company responsible for School Days, was a notable exception. It chose to endorse Sekai Project's translation efforts. This actually became licensed, with the fan translators becoming the official localization team.
- After much drama and an unofficial release of ef - a fairy tale of the two. on Bit Torrent, the fan translation group No Name Losers and the original company Minori decided to join forces. An official translation of Ef was released by Mangagamer in December 2014.
- A fan translation of Starry☆Sky ~in Spring~ was released by an anonymous group called Oge during December 2010. Fans wondered if the anonymous release was done in order to prevent a cease and desist request.
- The original Higurashi: When They Cry sound novels, the PC ones, are in the process of being fan-translated. However, the PC games have been released by Mangagamer as 'Higurashi: When They Cry'. The licenser allows fan-translations though, though no one needs it now.
- Umineko: When They Cry was fully translated by the (unnofficial) group Witch-Hunt. It has to be noted that the author was very pleased with Witch-Hunts work and named a group in the series after them.
Witch Hunt has since then reached (semi) official status with MangaGamer selling the original games with links to the Witch Hunt translations (though the games are currently unavailable due to the license running out). MangaGamer has also announced an official release of Umineko: When They Cry on Steam with a new translation worked on in corparation with the Witch Hunt team.
- Umineko: When They Cry was fully translated by the (unnofficial) group Witch-Hunt. It has to be noted that the author was very pleased with Witch-Hunts work and named a group in the series after them.
- Narcissu, though this is acknowledged by the maker.
- Hatoful Boyfriend started as a fan-translation made by Nazerine. Later, it was acknowledged by the maker and became the official translation for the full version of the game, since the translator only did the free version. The sequel is officially translated by Nazerine.
- Kanon.
- Planetarian.
- CLANNAD. (Well, most of it.)
- Mirror Moon has created translation patches (which still require the original Japanese game) for several games, like Fate/stay night, Utawarerumono, and Tsukihime, and is working on many more. There are even voice patches for the former two, which rip the audio from the PS2 version (that you have to provide, of course). Mirror Moon also helpfully provides links to distributors who will sell the games to you.
- Canvas 2 ~Niji-iro no Sketch~ received a fan translation in October 2010. (A manga based on Canvas 2 has an ongoing scanlation. A TV anime based on the original Porn with PlotVisual Novel was fansubbed, and later released on Crunchyroll.)
- Between 2005 and 2008, a group known as Insani translated several demos of commercial visual novels, and several freeware/independent visual novels. (The demos made it clear that the full games had harem plots, and often adult content. However, the freeware VNs had no harem elements, and few of them contained offensive content.)
- Amaterasu Translations has translated a number of visual novels, including CROSS†CHANNEL, Sekien no Inganock, Shikkoku no Sharnoth, Muv-Luv Extra, Muv-Luv Alternative, and Rewrite.
- Ace Attorney
- A group of fans from Court-Records have released a fan localization of Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth 2 under the subtitle Prosecutor's Path.
- Additionally, a different group of fans called Scarlet Study translated Dai Gyakuten Saiban: Naruhodou Ryuunosuke no Bouken and is currently working ot its sequel. It's more literal than the Ace Attorney Investigations 2 fan localization, keeping the original names due to how intrinsically Japanese it is.
- A fan translation of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Trials and Tribulations was in the works before the official localisation was announced.
- Toradora! Portable was made by Bandai Namco Entertainment for the PlayStation Portable in 2009. The first full English patch was released in 2013. It had bugs, but a follow-up patch in 2014 corrected them.
- DRAMAtical Murder has fan translations for both the original game and the sequel, Re:Connect.
- Project Zetsubou translated Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc... and two weeks after they released it, an official English release of the game and its sequel was announced, causing the sequel translation to be cancelled about 20% through.