Asphalt Crack Filler

Sakrete® Blacktop Maintenance And Repair Mixtures Are Used For Road, Parking Lot, Blacktop And Paving Repairs.
Sakrete® Blacktop Maintenance And Repair Mixtures are high performance patching materials containing a combination of blended asphalts, aggregates and special additives. Work in any temperature, wet or dry conditions, for permanent pothole repairs. Not to be used as a curb, speed bump, ramp or for driveway extensions. Coverage depends on thickness of application. Varieties are All Weather Blacktop Patch, Blacktop Crack Filler, Blacktop Repair Tube, Filled Sealer, Blacktop Sealer, Flo Coat Driveway Sealer, Tar Sealer, Trowelable Crack Filler and U.S. Cold Patch. Available in 50 and 60 lb. bags, 1 or 5 Gallon Pails and 10 oz Tube.
Sakrete® Blacktop Maintenance And Repair Mixtures are high performance patching materials containing a combination of blended asphalts, aggregates and special additives. Work in any temperature, wet or dry conditions, for permanent pothole repairs. Not to be used as a curb, speed bump, ramp or for driveway extensions. Coverage depends on thickness of application. Varieties are All Weather Blacktop Patch, Blacktop Crack Filler, Blacktop Repair Tube, Filled Sealer, Blacktop Sealer, Flo Coat Driveway Sealer, Tar Sealer, Trowelable Crack Filler and U.S. Cold Patch. Available in 50 and 60 lb. bags, 1 or 5 Gallon Pails and 10 oz Tube.
Hot Asphalt Crack Filler
Ready-to-use GemSeal Trowelable Crack Filler is a thick mastic compound used to fill and seals cracks and other voids in pavement surfaces. Repair cracks up to 1 1/2” wide Helps keep out moisture which reduces pavement break-up caused by freeze/thaw action.