Kurzweil Zone Kurzweil release the. Patch that simulates Pink Floyd's 'On The Run' synth patch. Versions available for the K2000, K2000VP/K2VX and K2500. 0PF Whistle Fx. Shine Minimoog. Astronomy Echorc. Take LFOPink Bass. Perc Days PFMoney Wha/Delay. Machine Moog. Sorrow Pad IDivision Pad.
12 Artists Use This
Steve Winwood
'No, I played Kurzweil this time. As you say I often played Minimoog in the past. Or DX7.' and 'No, I think it was one of the preset sounds on a copy of the ROM which was Kurzweil's accessory. Or maybe I used other sound module in the end. I can't remember how the patches were. But I don't dislike programming itself though I sometimes leave it to other people. Recently I use MARK OF THE UNICORN's Performer [a programming software for Macintosh] and a Macintosh as my main tools when I do it. However, as to the sounds of such vintage instruments as Wurlitzer's electric piano and Hammond organ or of such effects as wah wah, I use real ones more often than programmed ones. But this does not mean that I defy sound modules and sampled sounds.' - Charles Shimiz, Keyboard Magazine May 1997, interview talking to Steve Winwood's upcoming Junction Seven album - http://www.stevewinwood.com/news/6052
Autechre's hardware samplers include the likes of the Ensoniq ESR and EPS, Kurzweil K2500, Emu E-Synth, and Casio samplers like the FZ1, FZ10, SK1, SK5 and SK100. 'Changing them is brilliant fun,' remarks Booth about the latter three, 'get the backs off them and a few bits of wire and have an amazing time. We mess around with electronics, and have loads of broken half-bits of gear lying around. I learned some things at college and can use a soldering iron.'
Trent Reznor
'...We don't really have many sample-based workstation-type keyboards in the studio, except for the Kurzweil K2500.' The K2xxx series was also used a lot on the downward spiral. The guitar for 'Hurt' is the acoustic guitar patch on the on the orchestral rom. The drums for 'The Becoming' were also programed on a K2xxx series.
cEvin Key
The mixing console at Subconscious Studios, with a Kurzweil K2500 in the desk, probably used as a master keyboard.
Richard Wright
The Kurzweil K2500 is know as 'the Pink Floyd Synth' for has been used by wright since it cames out
John Bechdel
SL: According to your opinion, which are the most legendary synths ever produced? JB: I’d have to go with the Memorymoog and PPG 2.3 Waveterm. I bough both in the mid 80’s and still have them, they are beautiful to look at and compliment each other. The Memorymoog is extremely versatile for an analog synth and the PPG system had unsurpassed digital technology with analog filters, a winning combo. I’m also a big FM fan, I used and owned the DX-7 II FD extensively and still own and use the SY-77 perhaps one of the most underrated synths of all time. As I mentioned, I love the Kurzweil 2500 for it’s playability, ROM based sounds and VAST sampling technology. I used it with Fear Factory live for years.
Stephen Morris
'The vocal choir part on 'Blue Monday' was sampled, and it was probably one of the first instances of someone sampling something from someone else's record. New Order originally used an Emulator II to play their samples live, but a lot of the time the Emulators wouldn't load up so the roadie would have to hit one of the legs with a hammer to start it working again — it was that kind of technology! So Steve had that part loaded up into his Kurzweil K2500.'
Donald Fagen
' I do have a Triton and a Kurzweil K2500, and use them for special effects and when I can get away with only using part of the keyboard, like if I want to mimic a flute or a mallet instrument or an organ. Organs aren't tuneable, and are flat, weird-sounding anyway.'
Butch Vig
'I bought an Akai S1000 and a Kurzweil K2500 and those became writing tools for us.'
Scott Walker
This Sound On Sound article states: 'Since The Drift, Scott Walker has developed a working method distinct from his albums of the '80s and '90s, which involves him creating demo sketches of his songs in the sequencer of his Kurzweil K2500 keyboard workstation.'
Craig Kerley
Uses in the studio only.
Ernst Horn
As can be seen in the photograph, Ernst Horn used the Kurzweil K2500 keyboard for live performances.
Sounds to Download
Bass | Drums and Percussion | Guitar | Sound Effects | Voice |
Bells and Chimes | Ethnic | Keyboard | Strings | Woodwinds |
Brass | Flute | Miscellaneous | Synthesizer |
These are public domain sounds for the Kurzweil K2000/2500. They were collected from a variety of sources, including CompuServe, the University of Wisconsin ftp site, and the Bach.Nevada ftp site. We, of course, can take no responsibility for the quality of these sounds but invite you to give them a try; some of them are excellent. You'll need to copy the .KRZ files to a K2000 (or ms-dos) formatted floppy disk using your PC or Mac. Sounds with .KR1 .KR2 extensions are multiple-disk sets and must be renamed with a .KRZ extension after they are on the floppy disk.
BASS | Synthetic bass sound bassman.krz. . . 33 kb bassman.txt. . . 92 bytes |
| Big fm stick bigfmstk.kr1.krz. . . 1421 kb bigfmstk.kr2.krz. . . 9 kb |
| A small bass sample crowbass.krz. . . 8kb crowbass.txt. . . 47 bytes |
Double bass dblbass.krz. . . 929 kb |
| A nice wooly bass sample dubbass1.krz. . . 5 kb dubbass1.txt. . . 52 bytes |
| Bass sound e3_bass.krz. . . 201 kb e3_bass1.txt. . . 83 bytes |
Fast Bass fastbass.krz. . . 29 kb |
| FM bass fmbass1.krz. . . 26 kb fmbass1.txt. . . 70 bytes |
| Fretless bass fretless.krz. . . 760 kb |
Moog bass moogbass.krz. . . 115 kb moogbass.txt. . . 95 bytes |
| Bass synth sounds poly6seq.krz. . . 1110 kb poly6seq.txt. . . 182 bytes |
| Electric bass realbass.krz. . . 926 kb realbass.txt. . . 877 bytes |
Scoop bass scoopbas.krz. . . 738 kb |
| Roland SH-09 bass sounds sh09bass.krz. . . 330 kb sh09bass.txt. . . 70 bytes |
| Stand-up bass standbas.krz. . . 140 kb standbas.txt. . . 910 bytes |
A small bass sample stubass1.krz. . . 16 kb stubass1.txt. . . 49 bytes |
| Synth bass syntbas2.krz. . . 236 kb synthbas.krz. . . 290 kb |
| Imitation TR303 bass sounds tb303gr.krz. . . 142 kb tb303gr.txt. . . 162 bytes |
Roland TB303 emulations tb303pat.krz. . . 1 kb tb303pat.txt. . . 339 bytes |
| The stick thestick.krz. . . 741 kb |

BELLS and CHIMES | AKAI chimes akaichim.krz. . . 1379 kb akaichim.txt. . . 4 kb |
| Big bells bigbells.krz. . . 1070 kb |
| Ding ding.krz. . . 16 kb ding.txt. . . 96 bytes |
Sleigh bells sbells.krz. . . 263 kb sbells.txt. . . 63 bytes |
| EMAX tubular & S50 marimba sound tubular.krz. . . 141 kb tubular.txt. . . 80 bytes |
| Wind chimes wchimes.krz. . . 95 kb wchimes.krz.Z. . . 75 kb wchimes.txt. . . 90 bytes |
BRASS | Two french horns bothfrhn.krz . . . 571 kb |
| 'Big Band' brass section brasps11.kr1.krz . . . 1420 kb brasps11.kr2.krz . . .35 kb brasps11.txt . . . 1 kb |
| Falling brass sound brassfal.krz . . .72 kb brassfal.txt . . .92 bytes |
French horn frenchrn.kr1.krz . . . 333 kb frenchrn.kr2.krz . . . 840 kb |
| Muted french horn mutdfrhn.krz . . . 238 kb |
| Rnr brass rnrbrass.krz . . . 263 kb |
Filtered fat synth brass sound synbrass.krz . . . 164 kb synbrass.txt . . . 104 bytes |
| Trumpet trumpet.krz . . .837 kb |
| Trumpets trumpets.krz . . . 1222 kb |
Tuba tuba.krz . . . 432 kb |
DRUMS and PERCUSSION | Akai drums akaiperc.krz . . . 780 kb akaiperc.txt . . . 5 kb |
| Akai drum samples akaifunk.krz . . . 1276 kb akaifunk.txt . . . 5 kb |
| Alesis drums alesisdr.krz . . . 775 kb |
Beat beat.krz . . . 136 kb |
| Beat at 125 bpm bt125bpm.krz . . . 262 kb |
| Choice drums choicdrm.krz . . . 731 kb |
Conga cnga-tmb.krz . . . 469 kb |
| Cymbal cymbal.krz . . . 1307 kb |
| Dance Drums dancedru.krz . . . 464 kb |
Beat at 125 bpm dr125bpm.krz . . . 170 kb |
| Ambient drums drambien.krz . . . 226 kb |
| Drums drmfile.krz . . . 946 kb |
Boss drum pad drpad.krz . . . 1377 kb drpad.txt . . . 766 bytes |
| Drums, bass and distorted solo guitar drumgits.krz . . . 188 kb drumgits.txt . . . 127 bytes |
| Drum kit drumkits.krz . . . 680 kb drumkit2.krz . . . 415 kb drumkit3.krz . . . 455 kb |
Percussion sequence dsp4.krz . . . 54 kb dsp4.txt . . . 100 bytes |
| Electronic Drums elecdrum.krz . . . 227 kb |
| EPS drum sounds epsdrums.krz . . . 248 kb epsdrums.txt . . . 108 bytes |
Finger snap fingersn.krz . . . 12 kb |
| Gong gong.krz . . . 126 kb gong.txt . . . 66 bytes |
| Jim's kit jimskit.krz . . . 944 kb |
Single kick drum kick001.krz . . . 25 kb kick001.txt . . . 90 bytes |
| Industrial percussion idstperc.krz . . . 564 kb idstperc.txt . . . 74 bytes |
| Linn drum machine linndrum.krz . . . 673 kb |
M1 drum sounds m1drums.krz . . . 975 kb |
| Marimba marimba.krz . . . 12 kb marimba.txt . . . 84 bytes |
| Metal percussion metlperc.kr1.krz . . . 1421 kb metlperc.kr2.krz . . . 420 kb metlperc.txt . . . 114 bytes |
Snare milisnar.krz . . . 290 kb |
| Percussion percussi.krz . . . 1200 kb |
| R100 drum r100drum.krz . . . 455 kb |
Rap drums rap.txt . . . 118 bytes rapkit.krz . . . 309 kb rapscrat.krz . . . 44 kb |
| Simmons SDS8 simmons.krz . . . 295 kb simmons.txt . . . 722 bytes |
| Drum sounds skinperc.krz . . . 162 kb skinperc.txt . . . 104 bytes |
Snaps + stuff sounds snapstuf.krz . . . 56 kb snapstuf.txt . . . 66 bytes |
| Different exotic drum sounds stckperc.krz . . . 629 kb stckperc.txt . . . 152 bytes |
| Steel drums steeldrm.krz . . . 257 kb |
Synclavier drum sounds syncdrum.krz . . . 74 kb syncdrum.txt . . . 69 bytes |
| Techno percussion techno01.krz . . . 593 kb technos.txt . . . 115 bytes |
| Tympani timpgcff.krz . . . 163 kb timpgcmf.krz . . . 145 kb |
ETHNIC | African african.krz . . . 659 kb african.txt . . . 1 kb |
| Indian indiperc.krz . . . 390 kb indiperc.txt . . . 70 bytes sitar.krz . . . 1034 kb |
| Korean koreaprc.krz . . . 813 kb koreaprc.txt . . . 4 kb |
FLUTE | Flute flute.krz . . . 829 kb flute1.krz . . . 148 kb flute2.krz . . . 923 kb |
| Flute flute3.krz . . . 38 kb flute3.txt . . . 82 bytes |
| Recorder recorder.krz . . . 280 kb |
Five shakuhachi sounds shaku.krz . . . 285 kb shaku.txt . . . 107 bytes |
| Shakuhachi shakuhac.krz . . . 178 kb shakuhac.txt . . . 100 bytes |
| Peter Gabriel's Sledgehammer Shakuhachi sledge.krz . . . 234 kb sledge.txt . . . 139 bytes |
GUITAR | Acoustic guitar acguit.krz . . . 772 kb |
| Acoustic guitar acstguit.krz . . . 651 kb |
| Classical guitar classgtr.krz . . . 1359 kb |
Clean riff cleanrif.krz . . . 89 kb |
| Clean guitar clguitar.krz . . . 532 kb |
| Dream guitar dreamgtr.krz . . . 477 kb |
Dulcimer dulcimer.krz . . . 501 kb |
| Filtered harp-like sound eterharp.krz . . . 16 kb eterharp.txt . . . 97 bytes |
| Fender strat 68 fenderst.kr1.krz . . . 710 kb fenderst.kr2.krz . . . 462 kb fenderst.txt . . . 1 kb |
Finger squeak guitar sound sqeekgtr.krz . . . 1016 bytes squeekgtr.txt . . . 783 bytes |
| Distorted guitarstring noise guitloop.krz . . . 143 kb guitloop.txt . . . 102 bytes |
| Harp harpfile.krz . . . 1346 kb |
Harp harpstrg.krz . . . 396 kb |
| Guitar major and minor triads ozguit.krz . . . 959 kb ozguit.txt . . . 82 bytes |
| Acoustic guitar presacst.krz . . . 4 kb |
Electric guitar preselec.krz . . . 3 kb |
| Pluck p5pluck.krz . . . 53 kb |
| Rock guitar rockgtr1.krz . . . 900 kb |
KEYBOARD | Piano brtpiano.krz . . . 934 kb |
| CME piano cmepiano.krz . . . 3 kb |
| CP70 cp70.krz . . . 1338 kb |
Dark piano darkpno.krz . . . 616 darkpno.txt . . . 353 |
| DXE piano dxepiano.krz . . . 752 kb |
| Roland JV80 electric piano samples jv80ep.krz . . . 145 kb jv80ep.txt . . . 149 bytes |
Piano piano.krz . . . 968 kb |
| Pop piano pop_pian.krz . . . 282 kb pop_pian.txt . . . 99 |
| Steinway steinway.krz . . . 953 kb steinway.txt . . . 96 |
Hammond B3 organ b3.krz . . . 688 kb b3.txt . . . 121 |
| Farfisa farfisa.krz . . . 498 kb |
| Hammond hammond.krz . . . 589 kb |
Pipe organ pipeorgn.krz . . . 1234 kb |
| Celeste celestia.krz . . . 286 kb celestia.txt . . . 117 |
| Clavinet clavdst.krz . . . 172 kb clavdst.txt . . . 28 |
Clavinet clavinet.krz . . . 336 kb |
| Electric organ and piano sounds from a bass sample dubeporg.krz . . . 5 kb dubeporg.txt . . . 124 bytes |
| Programs and accordion samples hapmkdmo.krz . . . 252 kb hapmkdmo.txt . . . 228 bytes |
Harpsichord harpsi.krz . . . 500 kb harpsi.txt . . . 168 |
| Roland JV80 Clav jv80clav.krz . . . 95 kb jv80clav.txt . . . 139 |
| Synclavier synclavs.krz . . . 382 kb synclavs.txt . . . 112 |
MISCELLANEOUS | andycmdf.krz . . . 68 kb angkorw.krz . . . 799 kb dynamohm.krz . . . 109 kb |
| stardust.krz . . . 731 kb |
| |
| midilayr.kr1.krz . . . 1421 kb midilayr.kr2.krz . . . 244 kb |
| ocoercdr.krz . . . 1063 kb |
Pink Floyd 'Darkside' pinkflyd.krz . . . 17 kb pinkfl25.k25 . . . 20 kb pinkf_vx.krz . . . 32 kb |
Kurzweil sound banks xprogs1.krz . . . 17 kb xprogs2.krz . . . 20 kb xprogs3.krz . . . 32 kb |
| xprogs4.krz . . . 31 kb xprogs5.krz . . . 47 kb xprogs6.krz . . . 26 kb |
| xprogs7.krz . . . 12 kb xprogs8.krz . . . 30 kb xprogs9.krz . . . 17 kb |
Kurzweil version 1.0 built-in sounds 10prg099.krz . . . 95 Kb |
SOUND EFFECTS | Bird Sounds birdsng1.krz . . . 178 kb birdsng1.txt . . . 93 bytes |
| Car crash carcrash.krz . . . 128 kb carcrash.txt . . . 97 bytes |
| Cuckoo clock cucu.krz . . . 128 kb cucu.txt . . . 93 bytes |
Delay fx delayfx.krz . . . 1 kb |
| Dragster dragster.krz . . . 284 kb |
| Panner and FUNs driftpan.krz . . . 852 bytes driftpan.txt . . . 2 kb |
Waterdrops drippy.krz . . . 225 kb drippy.txt . . . 98 bytes |
| Efx disc efxdisc.krz . . . 6 kb |
| Fire fire.krz . . . 233 kb |
Flange fx flangefx.krz . . . 1 kb |
| Fx programs fxprogs.krz . . . 12 kb |
| Gate reverb gatedvrb.krz . . . 484 bytes |
Breaking glass glassbrk.krz . . . 32 kb |
| Glass glassswp.krz . . . 320 kb |
| Gunshots gunshots.krz . . . 966 kb gunshots.txt . . . 621 bytes |
Helicopter helicptr.krz . . . 603 kb |
| Hits hitit.krz . . . 1401 kb hits.krz . . . 39 kb |
| Pong hit ponghit.krz . . . 242 kb |
Rain rain_1.krz . . . 101 kb rain_1.txt . . . 89 bytes |
| Ocean sounds seavoice.krz . . . 716 kb seavoice.txt . . . 299 bytes |
| Splash, carriage & gong soundfx1.kr1.krz . . . 1421 kb soundfx1.kr2.krz . . . 1089 kb soundfx1.txt . . . 961 bytes |
Three Stooges stooges.krz . . . 1146 kb |
| Storms storms.krz . . . 993 kb storms.readme . . . 979 bytes |
| Reverb hall verbhall.krz . . . 1 kb |
Vincent Price's evil laugh from the end of Michael Jackson's 'Thriller' vincent.kr1.krz . . . 1420 kb vincent.kr2.krz . . . 788 kb vincent.txt . . . 189 bytes |
| Wayne's World wayneswd.kr1.krz . . . 1419 kb .krzwayneswd.kr1.zip . . . 1242 kb wayneswd.kr2.krz . . . 824 kb wayneswd.kr3.krz . . . 950 kb wayneswd.txt.zip . . . 434 bytes |
| Toilet flush wcflush.krz . . . 428 kb wcflush.txt . . . 133 bytes |
STRINGS | String sound from Ensoniq EPS epsstrng.krz . . . 473 kb epsstrng.txt . . . 102 bytes |
| High strings histring.krz . . . 927 kb histring.txt . . . 95 bytes |
| Roland JV80 violin jv80violn.krz . . . 259 kb |
Low strings lostring.krz . . . 897 kb lostring.txt . . . 95 bytes |
| Pizzicato strings pizzacat.krz . . . 133 kb |
| Pizzicato strings pizzi1.krz . . . 242 kb pizzi1.txt . . . 87 bytes pizzica2.krz . . . 318 kb |
Orchestra presorch.krz . . . 3 kb |
| Pizziato strings propizzi.krz . . . 289 kb |
| Vibrato violin quartet.krz . . . 399 kb quartet.txt . . . 98 bytes |
9 different strings strngsct.kr1.krz . . . 1421 kb strngsct.kr2.krz . . . 977 kb strngsct.txt . . . 117 bytes |
| Strings strvoxbl.krz . . . 916 kb |
| Strings sxstring.krz . . . 274 kb sxstring.txt . . . 100 bytes |
Strings tiny_str.krz . . . 65 kb tiny_str.txt . . . 94 bytes |
| Violin violin.krz . . . 695 kb |
Kurzweil K2500s Weight
SYNTHESIZER | Fat synth sound coldwatr.krz . . . 120 kb coldwatr.txt . . .96 bytes |
| Interesting synth sound dsp3.krz . . . 96 kb dsp3.txt . . . 117 bytes |
| Yamaha DX7 dx7works.krz . . . 141 kb dx7works.txt . . . 109 bytes |
Emu emusp12.krz . . . 916 kb |
| Fantasia fantasia.krz . . . 783 kb |
| Roland JD-800 'Crystal Rhodes' jbstab.krz . . . 55 kb jdcrystl.krz . . . 1420 kb jdcrystl.txt . . . 1 kb |
M1 universe sound m1univrs.krz . . . 1055 kb |
| Frequency modulated sounds monopoly.krz . . . 366 kb monopoly.txt . . . 109 bytes |
| Moog moog1.kr1.krz . . . 1421 kb moog1.kr2.krz . . . 77 kb |
New ages newages.krz . . . 304 kb |
| Oberheim obmtrx12.kr1.krz . . . 1340 kb obmtrx12.kr2.krz . . . 1340 kb obmtrx12.kr3.krz . . . 1340 kb obmtrx12.kr4.krz . . . 127 kb |
| Techno (Depeche Mode, Erasure, New Order) sounds omatall.krz . . . 81 kb omatall.txt . . . 391 bytes |
Pressynth pressyn1.krz . . . 30 kb pressyn2.krz . . . 19 kb |
| Rave synth rave1.krz . . . 264 kb rave1.txt . . . 875 bytes |
| Analog sounds rjs_analog_sounds.zip . . . 8 kb |
ASR10 vocal, pad, synth speceff.kr1.krz . . . 1421 kb speceff.kr2.krz . . . 694 kb spectre.krz . . . 71 kb spectre.txt . . . 1 kb |
| Mystic synth spirits.krz . . . 56 kb spirits.txt . . . 92 bytes |
| Yamaha SY77 sy77tine.krz . . . 1385 kb |
Synth synth01.krz . . . 808 kb |
| Wave sequence wave001.krz . . . 603 kb wave001.txt . . . 76 bytes |
| Complex synth sound widor.krz . . . 83 kb widor.txt . . . 89 bytes |
VOICE | Bass voice basvoice.kr1.krz . . . 1340 kb basvoice.kr2.krz . . . 440 kb |
| Boys choir boychoir.krz . . . 780 kb |
| Chorus chorus.krz . . . 294 bytes |
Choir pad eleison3.krz . . . 190 kb eleison3.txt . . . 2 kb |
| James Brown jamesbrn.krz . . . 531 kb jamesbrn.txt . . . 42 bytes |
| Tibetan Monks monksvox.kr1.krz . . . 1340 kb monksvox.kr2.krz . . . 1270 kb monksvox.txt . . . 1 kb |
New voice newvoice.kr1.krz . . . 1340 kb newvoice.kr2.krz . . . 632 kb |
| Chorus preschor.krz . . . 4 kb |
| Rhythmic speech sounds s50voice.krz . . . 376 kb s50voice.txt . . . 117 bytes |
Vocals vocalz.kr1.krz . . . 1421 kb vocalz.kr2.krz . . . 600 kb |
Pink Floyd Patch Kurzweil K2500x
Kurzweil K2500 Review
WOODWINDS | Bass clarinet bassclar.krz . . . 549 kb |
| Bassoon bassoon2.krz . . . 379 kb |
| English Horn enghorn.krz . . . 339 kb |
Oboe oboe.krz . . . 310 kb oboe2.krz . . . 881 kb oboercdr.krz . . . 1063 kb |
| Sax/brass saxbrass.krz . . . 1303 kb |
| Shinoboe shinoboe.krz . . . 17 kb |
Two bassoons twobsns.krz . . . 495 kb |
| Two synth basoons twosynbs.krz . . . 527 kb |